Cut the teaser background of the icons in half #19

btlogy merged 1 commits from 12.cut-teaser-background into main 2024-12-17 19:59:44 +00:00

Part of #12

Part of #12
btlogy force-pushed 12.cut-teaser-background from b9906c67af to 120e203f62 2024-12-17 19:55:35 +00:00 Compare
btlogy force-pushed 12.cut-teaser-background from 120e203f62 to deb6a849cf 2024-12-17 19:58:46 +00:00 Compare
First-time contributor

🔨 Docker build success

🔧 Jekyll build success

🚀 Jekyll deploy success

Pusher: @btlogy, Action: pull_request, Workflow: Jekyll, Run: 165

#### :hammer: Docker build `success` #### :wrench: Jekyll build `success` #### :rocket: Jekyll deploy `success` #### :link: Preview site [here](;19&#x2F;) *Pusher: @btlogy, Action: `pull_request`, Workflow: `Jekyll`, Run: 165* <!-- pr-commenter-metadata: image-success,build-success,deploy-success,pusher-btlogy-pull_request-165 -->
btlogy merged commit 5b518ff9f1 into main 2024-12-17 19:59:44 +00:00
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Reference: tahoe-lafs/web-landing-page#19
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