@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ def _extract_secrets(header_values, required_secrets): # type: (List[str], Set[
for header_value in header_values:
key, value = header_value.strip().split(" ", 1)
# TODO enforce secret is 32 bytes long for lease secrets. dunno
# about upload secret.
result[key_to_enum[key]] = b64decode(value)
except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
except (ValueError, KeyError):
raise ClientSecretsException("Bad header value(s): {}".format(header_values))
if result.keys() != required_secrets:
raise ClientSecretsException(
@ -64,12 +66,12 @@ def _extract_secrets(header_values, required_secrets): # type: (List[str], Set[
return result
def _authorization_decorator(f):
def _authorization_decorator(required_secrets):
Check the ``Authorization`` header, and (TODO: in later revision of code)
extract ``X-Tahoe-Authorization`` headers and pass them in.
def decorator(f):
def route(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Authorization", [None])[0] != str(
@ -77,25 +79,32 @@ def _authorization_decorator(f):
return b""
# authorization = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("X-Tahoe-Authorization", [])
# For now, just a placeholder:
authorization = None
return f(self, request, authorization, *args, **kwargs)
authorization = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("X-Tahoe-Authorization", [])
secrets = _extract_secrets(authorization, required_secrets)
except ClientSecretsException:
return b""
return f(self, request, secrets, *args, **kwargs)
return route
return decorator
def _authorized_route(app, *route_args, **route_kwargs):
def _authorized_route(app, required_secrets, *route_args, **route_kwargs):
Like Klein's @route, but with additional support for checking the
``Authorization`` header as well as ``X-Tahoe-Authorization`` headers. The
latter will (TODO: in later revision of code) get passed in as second
argument to wrapped functions.
latter will get passed in as second argument to wrapped functions, a
dictionary mapping a ``Secret`` value to the uploaded secret.
:param required_secrets: Set of required ``Secret`` types.
def decorator(f):
@app.route(*route_args, **route_kwargs)
def handle_route(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
@ -127,6 +136,10 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
# TODO if data is big, maybe want to use a temporary file eventually...
return dumps(data)
@_authorized_route(_app, "/v1/version", methods=["GET"])
##### Generic APIs #####
@_authorized_route(_app, set(), "/v1/version", methods=["GET"])
def version(self, request, authorization):
"""Return version information."""
return self._cbor(request, self._storage_server.get_version())