dictutil: remove unused ValueOrderedDict
This commit is contained in:
@ -1407,11 +1407,6 @@ class DictUtil(unittest.TestCase):
self.failUnless(filter(lambda x: x is 3, d.iterkeys()))
self.failUnless(filter(lambda x: x is 3, d.iterkeys()))
d[fake3] = 8
d[fake3] = 8
def test_all(self):
def test_dict_of_sets(self):
def test_dict_of_sets(self):
ds = dictutil.DictOfSets()
ds = dictutil.DictOfSets()
ds.add(1, "a")
ds.add(1, "a")
@ -1470,68 +1465,6 @@ class DictUtil(unittest.TestCase):
dictutil.del_if_present(d, 3)
dictutil.del_if_present(d, 3)
self.failUnlessEqual(d, {2: "b"})
self.failUnlessEqual(d, {2: "b"})
def test_valueordereddict(self):
d = dictutil.ValueOrderedDict()
d["a"] = 3
d["b"] = 2
d["c"] = 1
self.failUnlessEqual(d, {"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": 1})
self.failUnlessEqual(d.items(), [("c", 1), ("b", 2), ("a", 3)])
self.failUnlessEqual(d.values(), [1, 2, 3])
self.failUnlessEqual(d.keys(), ["c", "b", "a"])
self.failUnlessEqual(repr(d), "<ValueOrderedDict {c: 1, b: 2, a: 3}>")
self.failUnlessEqual(str(d), "<ValueOrderedDict {c: 1, b: 2, a: 3}>")
# str() is supposed to only show the first 16 entries
large_d = dictutil.ValueOrderedDict()
for i in range(20):
large_d["k%d" % i] = i
large_d_repr = ("<ValueOrderedDict {%s, ...}>" %
", ".join(["k%d: %d" % (i, i) for i in range(16)]))
self.failUnlessEqual(str(large_d), large_d_repr)
def eq(a, b):
return a == b
self.failIf(d == {"a": 4})
self.failUnless(d != {"a": 4})
x = d.setdefault("d", 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(x, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(d["d"], 0)
x = d.setdefault("d", -1)
self.failUnlessEqual(x, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(d["d"], 0)
x = d.remove("e", "default", False)
self.failUnlessEqual(x, "default")
self.failUnlessRaises(KeyError, d.remove, "e", "default", True)
x = d.remove("d", 5)
self.failUnlessEqual(x, 0)
x = d.__getitem__("c")
self.failUnlessEqual(x, 1)
x = d.__getitem__("e", "default", False)
self.failUnlessEqual(x, "default")
self.failUnlessRaises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, "e", "default", True)
self.failUnlessEqual(d.popitem(), ("c", 1))
self.failUnlessEqual(d.popitem(), ("b", 2))
self.failUnlessEqual(d.popitem(), ("a", 3))
self.failUnlessRaises(KeyError, d.popitem)
d = dictutil.ValueOrderedDict({"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": 1})
x = d.pop("d", "default", False)
self.failUnlessEqual(x, "default")
self.failUnlessRaises(KeyError, d.pop, "d", "default", True)
x = d.pop("b")
self.failUnlessEqual(x, 2)
self.failUnlessEqual(d.items(), [("c", 1), ("a", 3)])
d = dictutil.ValueOrderedDict({"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": 1})
x = d.pop_from_list(1) # pop the second item, b/2
self.failUnlessEqual(x, "b")
self.failUnlessEqual(d.items(), [("c", 1), ("a", 3)])
def test_auxdict(self):
def test_auxdict(self):
d = dictutil.AuxValueDict()
d = dictutil.AuxValueDict()
# we put the serialized form in the auxdata
# we put the serialized form in the auxdata
@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
Tools to mess with dicts.
Tools to mess with dicts.
import operator
from bisect import bisect_left, insort_left
from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert, precondition
def move(k, d1, d2, strict=False):
def move(k, d1, d2, strict=False):
Move item with key k from d1 to d2.
Move item with key k from d1 to d2.
@ -58,271 +53,6 @@ def del_if_present(d, k):
if d.has_key(k):
if d.has_key(k):
del d[k]
del d[k]
class ValueOrderedDict:
Note: this implementation assumes that the values do not mutate and change
their sort order. That is, it stores the values in a sorted list and
as items are added and removed from the dict, it makes updates to the list
which will keep the list sorted. But if a value that is currently sitting
in the list changes its sort order, then the internal consistency of this
object will be lost.
If that happens, and if assertion checking is turned on, then you will get
an assertion failure the very next time you try to do anything with this
ValueOrderedDict. However, those internal consistency checks are very slow
and almost certainly unacceptable to leave turned on in production code.
class ItemIterator:
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
self.i = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
precondition(self.i <= len(self.c.l), "The iterated ValueOrderedDict doesn't have this many elements. Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the ValueOrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, self.c)
precondition((self.i == len(self.c.l)) or self.c.d.has_key(self.c.l[self.i][1]), "The iterated ValueOrderedDict doesn't have this key. Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the ValueOrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, (self.i < len(self.c.l)) and self.c.l[self.i], self.c)
if self.i == len(self.c.l):
raise StopIteration
le = self.c.l[self.i]
self.i += 1
return (le[1], le[0],)
def iteritems(self):
return ValueOrderedDict.ItemIterator(self)
def items(self):
return zip(map(operator.__getitem__, self.l, [1]*len(self.l)), map(operator.__getitem__, self.l, [0]*len(self.l)))
def values(self):
return map(operator.__getitem__, self.l, [0]*len(self.l))
def keys(self):
return map(operator.__getitem__, self.l, [1]*len(self.l))
class KeyIterator:
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
self.i = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
precondition(self.i <= len(self.c.l), "The iterated ValueOrderedDict doesn't have this many elements. Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the ValueOrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, self.c)
precondition((self.i == len(self.c.l)) or self.c.d.has_key(self.c.l[self.i][1]), "The iterated ValueOrderedDict doesn't have this key. Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the ValueOrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, (self.i < len(self.c.l)) and self.c.l[self.i], self.c)
if self.i == len(self.c.l):
raise StopIteration
le = self.c.l[self.i]
self.i += 1
return le[1]
def iterkeys(self):
return ValueOrderedDict.KeyIterator(self)
class ValueIterator:
def __init__(self, c):
self.c = c
self.i = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
precondition(self.i <= len(self.c.l), "The iterated ValueOrderedDict doesn't have this many elements. Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the ValueOrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, self.c)
precondition((self.i == len(self.c.l)) or self.c.d.has_key(self.c.l[self.i][1]), "The iterated ValueOrderedDict doesn't have this key. Most likely this is because someone altered the contents of the ValueOrderedDict while the iteration was in progress.", self.i, (self.i < len(self.c.l)) and self.c.l[self.i], self.c)
if self.i == len(self.c.l):
raise StopIteration
le = self.c.l[self.i]
self.i += 1
return le[0]
def itervalues(self):
return ValueOrderedDict.ValueIterator(self)
def __init__(self, initialdata={}):
self.d = {} # k: key, v: val
self.l = [] # sorted list of tuples of (val, key,)
assert self._assert_invariants()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.l)
def __repr_n__(self, n=None):
s = ["{",]
iter = self.iteritems()
x = iter.next()
s.append(str(x[0])); s.append(": "); s.append(str(x[1]))
i = 1
while (n is None) or (i < n):
i += 1
x = iter.next()
s.append(", ");
s.append(str(x[0])); s.append(": "); s.append(str(x[1]))
# if we get here, we're truncating the repr, so make that clear
s.append(", ...")
except StopIteration:
return ''.join(s)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__repr_n__(),)
def __str__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__repr_n__(16),)
def __eq__(self, other):
for (k, v,) in other.iteritems():
if not self.d.has_key(k) or self.d[k] != v:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def _assert_invariants(self):
iter = self.l.__iter__()
oldx = iter.next()
while True:
x = iter.next()
# self.l is required to be sorted
_assert(x >= oldx, x, oldx)
# every element of self.l is required to appear in self.d
_assert(self.d.has_key(x[1]), x)
oldx =x
except StopIteration:
for (k, v,) in self.d.iteritems():
i = bisect_left(self.l, (v, k,))
while (self.l[i][0] is not v) or (self.l[i][1] is not k):
i += 1
_assert(i < len(self.l), i, len(self.l), k, v, self.l)
_assert(self.l[i][0] is v, i, v, l=self.l, d=self.d)
_assert(self.l[i][1] is k, i, k, l=self.l, d=self.d)
return True
def insert(self, key, val=None):
assert self._assert_invariants()
result = self.__setitem__(key, val)
assert self._assert_invariants()
return result
def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
assert self._assert_invariants()
if not self.has_key(key):
self[key] = default
assert self._assert_invariants()
return self[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, val=None):
assert self._assert_invariants()
if self.d.has_key(key):
oldval = self.d[key]
if oldval != val:
# re-sort
i = bisect_left(self.l, (oldval, key,))
while (self.l[i][0] is not oldval) or (self.l[i][1] is not key):
i += 1
insort_left(self.l, (val, key,))
elif oldval is not val:
# replace
i = bisect_left(self.l, (oldval, key,))
while (self.l[i][0] is not oldval) or (self.l[i][1] is not key):
i += 1
self.l[i] = (val, key,)
insort_left(self.l, (val, key,))
self.d[key] = val
assert self._assert_invariants()
return val
def remove(self, key, default=None, strictkey=True):
assert self._assert_invariants()
result = self.__delitem__(key, default, strictkey)
assert self._assert_invariants()
return result
def __getitem__(self, key, default=None, strictkey=True):
if not self.d.has_key(key):
if strictkey:
raise KeyError, key
return default
return self.d[key]
def __delitem__(self, key, default=None, strictkey=True):
@param strictkey: True if you want a KeyError in the case that
key is not there, False if you want a reference to default
in the case that key is not there
@param default: the object to return if key is not there; This
is ignored if strictkey.
@return: the object removed or default if there is not item by
that key and strictkey is False
assert self._assert_invariants()
if self.d.has_key(key):
val = self.d.pop(key)
i = bisect_left(self.l, (val, key,))
while (self.l[i][0] is not val) or (self.l[i][1] is not key):
i += 1
assert self._assert_invariants()
return val
elif strictkey:
assert self._assert_invariants()
raise KeyError, key
assert self._assert_invariants()
return default
def clear(self):
assert self._assert_invariants()
del self.l[:]
assert self._assert_invariants()
def update(self, otherdict):
@return: self
assert self._assert_invariants()
for (k, v,) in otherdict.iteritems():
self.insert(k, v)
assert self._assert_invariants()
return self
def has_key(self, key):
assert self._assert_invariants()
return self.d.has_key(key)
def popitem(self):
if not self.l:
raise KeyError, 'popitem(): dictionary is empty'
le = self.l.pop(0)
del self.d[le[1]]
return (le[1], le[0],)
def pop(self, k, default=None, strictkey=False):
if not self.d.has_key(k):
if strictkey:
raise KeyError, k
return default
v = self.d.pop(k)
i = bisect_left(self.l, (v, k,))
while (self.l[i][0] is not v) or (self.l[i][1] is not k):
i += 1
return v
def pop_from_list(self, i=0):
le = self.l.pop(i)
del self.d[le[1]]
return le[1]
class AuxValueDict(dict):
class AuxValueDict(dict):
"""I behave like a regular dict, but each key is associated with two
"""I behave like a regular dict, but each key is associated with two
values: the main value, and an auxilliary one. Setting the main value
values: the main value, and an auxilliary one. Setting the main value
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