Sun Apr 25 13:11:21 PDT 2010
* Add tests for 'tahoe censor'
Sun Apr 25 13:11:50 PDT 2010
* Make it so that CLI tests work without actually making a node directory
It is not necessary to have a node directory for 'tahoe censor', because
its operations are all local -- it processes a log file. So I made its
CensorOptions class subclass something other than VDriveOptions. The
result of that is that CensorOptions doesn't know how to process a
node-directory parameter, which this code would send. So, now it looks
for a 'no_node' kwarg; if this is present and set to True, the
node-directory option is not sent, and everything works.
New patches:
[Add tests for 'tahoe censor'**20100425201121
Ignore-this: 9fe8849052cc261e5d4c40051686bd9b
] {
hunk ./src/allmydata/test/ 9
import urllib
import re
import simplejson
+import pickle
+import platform
+import stat
+import bz2
from allmydata.util import fileutil, hashutil, base32
from allmydata import uri
hunk ./src/allmydata/test/ 453
help = str(cli.AddAliasOptions())
self.failUnless("add-alias ALIAS DIRCAP" in help, help)
+ def test_censor(self):
+ help = str(cli.CensorOptions())
+ self.failUnless("censor SOURCE-LOG DEST-LOG" in help, help)
class CLITestMixin:
def do_cli(self, verb, *args, **kwargs):
nodeargs = [
hunk ./src/allmydata/test/ 2228
self.failUnlessIn("error:", err)
return d
+class Censor(GridTestMixin, CLITestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+ def write_test_log_to_file(self, f):
+ e1 = {}
+ e1['d'] = {"message": "Tub location set to,"}
+ ips_to_look_for = ["", ""]
+ pickle.dump(e1, f)
+ e2 = {}
+ e2['d'] = {"message": "connectTCP to ('', 44785)"}
+ ips_to_look_for.append("")
+ pickle.dump(e2, f)
+ e3 = {}
+ e3['d'] = {"message": "pb://"}
+ furls_to_look_for = ["pb://"]
+ pickle.dump(e3, f)
+ e4 = {}
+ e4['d'] = {"message": "dkalsdkjaslkjd"}
+ sis_to_look_for = ["dkalsdkjaslkjd"]
+ pickle.dump(e4, f)
+ e5 = {}
+ e5['d'] = {"message": "dasdasdsadsads"}
+ sis_to_look_for.append("dasdasdsadsads")
+ pickle.dump(e5, f)
+ # ([ips], [furls], [sis], # of log messages)
+ return (ips_to_look_for, furls_to_look_for, sis_to_look_for, 5)
+ def test_censor_with_nonexistent_source(self):
+ # When asked to censor a file that doesn't exist, 'tahoe censor'
+ # should print something useful as an error message.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_with_nonexistent_source")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", "does_not_exist", no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Error", err)
+ self.failUnlessIn("doesn't exist", err)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_with_nonsensical_source(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' works on logs that are actually pickled
+ # dictionaries, as output by foolscap. If asked to censor
+ # something else, it should print something useful as an error
+ # message.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_with_nonsensical_source")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ f.write("blahblahblah")
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Error", err)
+ self.failUnlessIn("invalid format", err)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ def _then(ign):
+ self.test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input2")
+ f = open(self.test_file, "wb")
+ f.write("For some reason, the file contents above result in "
+ "an IndexError, while these result in an EOFError. In "
+ "either case, the program should output something useful")
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.do_cli("censor", self.test_file,
+ no_node=True))
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_with_empty_source(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should complain when presented with an empty
+ # log file to censor.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_with_empty_source")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb").close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Error", err)
+ self.failUnlessIn("empty", err)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_with_unreadable_source(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should complain when presented with a file that
+ # OS-level access controls prevent it from reading.
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ raise unittest.SkipTest("os.chmod() can't make a file that this "
+ "test can't read on Windows.")
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_with_unreadable_source")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(test_file, stat.S_IWRITE)
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Error", err)
+ self.failUnlessIn("read", err)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_with_unwritable_destination(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should complain when presented with a
+ # destination file that it can't write to.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_with_unwritable_destination")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ test_out = os.path.join(self.basedir, "output")
+ open(test_out, "wb").close()
+ # should make test_out readonly on both Windows and *nixes.
+ os.chmod(test_out, stat.S_IREAD)
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, test_out, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Error:", err)
+ self.failUnlessIn("writable", err)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ # In the case where the source file is also the destination file
+ # (i.e.: we're censoring in-place), 'tahoe censor' should also
+ # complain if it can't write to the source file.
+ def _then(ign):
+ self.second_test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input2")
+ f = open(self.second_test_file, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(self.second_test_file, stat.S_IREAD)
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.do_cli("censor", self.second_test_file,
+ no_node=True))
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_should_censor_IP_addresses(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should successfully remove IP addresses from
+ # valid log files.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_should_censor_IP_addresses")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ ips, furls, sis, total = self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ f = open(test_file, "rb")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ e = pickle.load(f)
+ for ip in ips:
+ self.failIfIn(ip, e['d']["message"])
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_should_censor_storage_indices(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should successfully remove storage indices
+ # from valid log files if they are of the form SI or
+ # SI
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_should_censor_storage_indices")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ ips, furls, sis, total = self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ f = open(test_file, "rb")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ e = pickle.load(f)
+ for si in sis:
+ self.failIfIn(si, e['d']["message"])
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_should_censor_furls(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should successfully remove furls from valid log
+ # files.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_should_censor_furls")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ ips, furls, sis, total = self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ f = open(test_file, "rb")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ e = pickle.load(f)
+ for furl in furls:
+ self.failIfIn(furl, e['d']["message"])
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_verbose_mode(self):
+ # When run in verbose mode (with the -v or --verbose flags),
+ # 'tahoe censor' should output messages telling the user what it
+ # is doing.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_verbose_mode")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ ips, furls, sis, total = self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", "-v", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ for item in ips + furls + sis:
+ self.failUnlessIn(item, out)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_quiet_mode(self):
+ # When run in quiet mode (with the -q or --quiet flags), 'tahoe
+ # censor' should not output anything other than error messages.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_quiet_mode")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", "-q", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(out, "")
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ def _then(ign):
+ self.second_test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input2")
+ f = open(self.second_test_file, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(self.second_test_file, stat.S_IREAD)
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.do_cli("censor",
+ "-q",
+ self.second_test_file,
+ no_node=True))
+ def _check2((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(out, "")
+ self.failUnlessIn("Error:", err)
+ self.failUnlessIn("write", err)
+ d.addCallback(_check2)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_bz2(self):
+ # 'tahoe censor' should be capable of censoring both
+ # uncompressed log files and bzipped log files.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_bz2")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input.bz2")
+ f = bz2.BZ2File(test_file, "wb")
+ ips, furls, sis, total = self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ self.items = ips + furls + sis
+ f.close()
+ # First, check to see that we can read from a bz2 file and
+ # write to a bz2 file.
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ f = bz2.BZ2File(test_file, "rb")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ e = pickle.load(f)
+ for item in self.items:
+ self.failIfIn(item, e['d']["message"])
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ # Now, check to see that we can write to a bz2 logfile
+ # from a plain logfile
+ def _then(ign):
+ self.second_source = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input2")
+ self.second_dest = os.path.join(self.basedir, "output2.bz2")
+ f = open(self.second_source, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_then)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.do_cli("censor",
+ self.second_source,
+ self.second_dest,
+ no_node=True))
+ def _check2((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ f = bz2.BZ2File(self.second_dest, "rb")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ e = pickle.load(f)
+ for item in self.items:
+ self.failIfIn(item, e['d']["message"])
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_check2)
+ # Finally, check to see that we can write from a bz2 logfile
+ # to a plain logfile.
+ def _later(ign):
+ self.third_source = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input3.bz2")
+ self.third_dest = os.path.join(self.basedir, "output3")
+ f = bz2.BZ2File(self.third_source, "wb")
+ self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_later)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.do_cli("censor",
+ self.third_source,
+ self.third_dest,
+ no_node=True))
+ def _check3((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ f = open(self.third_dest, "rb")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ e = pickle.load(f)
+ for item in self.items:
+ self.failIfIn(item, e['d']["message"])
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ d.addCallback(_check3)
+ return d
+ def test_censor_log_counting(self):
+ # When not run in quiet mode, 'tahoe censor' should output a
+ # useful concluding message, including:
+ # - The total number of logs processed
+ # - The total number of SIs censored
+ # - The total number of IP addresses censored.
+ # - The total number of furls censored.
+ self.basedir = os.path.join("cli",
+ "Censor",
+ "test_censor_log_counting")
+ self.set_up_grid()
+ test_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "input")
+ f = open(test_file, "wb")
+ ips, furls, sis, total = self.write_test_log_to_file(f)
+ f.close()
+ d = self.do_cli("censor", test_file, no_node=True)
+ def _check((rc, out, err)):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+ self.failUnlessIn("total of %d" % total, out)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Storage Indices: %d" % len(sis), out)
+ self.failUnlessIn("IP Addresses: %d" % len(ips), out)
+ self.failUnlessIn("Node URLs: %d" % len(furls), out)
+ d.addCallback(_check)
+ return d
[Make it so that CLI tests work without actually making a node directory**20100425201150
Ignore-this: ca5467176c9ce15b17dfa27cf6b2885d
It is not necessary to have a node directory for 'tahoe censor', because
its operations are all local -- it processes a log file. So I made its
CensorOptions class subclass something other than VDriveOptions. The
result of that is that CensorOptions doesn't know how to process a
node-directory parameter, which this code would send. So, now it looks
for a 'no_node' kwarg; if this is present and set to True, the
node-directory option is not sent, and everything works.
] hunk ./src/allmydata/test/ 460
class CLITestMixin:
def do_cli(self, verb, *args, **kwargs):
- nodeargs = [
- "--node-directory", self.get_clientdir(),
- ]
+ if "no_node" not in kwargs:
+ nodeargs = [
+ "--node-directory", self.get_clientdir(),
+ ]
+ else:
+ del(kwargs['no_node'])
+ nodeargs = []
argv = [verb] + nodeargs + list(args)
stdin = kwargs.get("stdin", "")
stdout, stderr = StringIO(), StringIO()
[setup: add licensing declaration for setuptools (noticed by the FSF compliance folks)**20100309184415
Ignore-this: 2dfa7d812d65fec7c72ddbf0de609ccb
[setup: fix error in licensing declaration from Shawn Willden, as noted by the FSF compliance division**20100309163736
Ignore-this: c0623d27e469799d86cabf67921a13f8
[CREDITS to Jacob Appelbaum**20100304015616
Ignore-this: 70db493abbc23968fcc8db93f386ea54
[docs: a few small edits to try to guide newcomers through the docs**20100303231902
Ignore-this: a6aab44f5bf5ad97ea73e6976bc4042d
These edits were suggested by my watching over Jake Appelbaum's shoulder as he completely ignored/skipped/missed install.html and also as he decided that debian.txt wouldn't help him with basic installation. Then I threw in a few docs edits that have been sitting around in my sandbox asking to be committed for months.
[TAG allmydata-tahoe-1.6.1**20100228062314
Ignore-this: eb5f03ada8ea953ee7780e7fe068539
Patch bundle hash: