import sys, os, shutil, exceptions # from import MutableShareFile # MUTABLE_MAGIC = MutableShareFile.MAGIC MUTABLE_MAGIC = "Tahoe mutable container v1\n" + "\x75\x09\x44\x03\x8e" # from allmydata.util.fileutil import make_dirs def make_dirs(dirname, mode=0777): """ An idempotent version of os.makedirs(). If the dir already exists, do nothing and return without raising an exception. If this call creates the dir, return without raising an exception. If there is an error that prevents creation or if the directory gets deleted after make_dirs() creates it and before make_dirs() checks that it exists, raise an exception. """ tx = None try: os.makedirs(dirname, mode) except OSError, x: tx = x if not os.path.isdir(dirname): if tx: raise tx raise exceptions.IOError, "unknown error prevented creation of directory, or deleted the directory immediately after creation: %s" % dirname # careful not to construct an IOError with a 2-tuple, as that has a special meaning... def copy_mutable_shares(src_base, dest_base, out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr): src_shares = os.path.join(src_base, "storage", "shares") if not os.path.exists(src_shares): print >>err, "Shares directory '%s' does not exist." % (src_shares,) return 1 for short_si in os.listdir(src_shares): src_short = os.path.join(src_shares, short_si) for si in os.listdir(src_short): src_si = os.path.join(src_short, si) files = os.listdir(src_si) if files: f = open(os.path.join(src_si, files[0]), "rb") prefix = f.close() if prefix == MUTABLE_MAGIC: print >>out, "Copying <%s>..." % (si,), dest_si = os.path.join(dest_base, "storage", "shares", short_si, si) make_dirs(dest_si) for file in files: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(src_si, file), dest_si) print >>out, "done" return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: python SRC_BASEDIR DEST_BASEDIR" sys.exit(1) sys.exit(copy_mutable_shares(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]))